What does certify to the standard means?
The organisation has complied with the requirements stipulated in the standards forthe production, preparation, handling and storage of halal food and shall be verified through site inspection as deemed necessary by the competent authority.
Note: Competent authority is entrusted by the government to carry out specified work according to prescribed requirements.
More in this section
Who should apply?
Halal certification is open to both local and foreign companies in Malaysia and abroad. Applicants who are eligible to apply for Halal Certification are categorized as follows:
- manufacturer / producer
- distributor/ trader
- sub-contract manufacturer
- repacking;
- food premise, and
- abattoir
Standards used?
National Standards
MS 1500:2009 - Halal Food - Production, Preparation, Handling and Storage - General Guidelines
MS 1500:2009 - Makanan Halal - Pengeluaran, Penyediaan, Pengendalian dan Penyimpanan - Garis Panduan Umum (SEMAKAN KEDUA)
Relevant Documents
- Guideline for Food and Beverage
- Malaysia Protocol For Halal Meat And Poultry Productions 2011
Certification cycle?
Details are available at Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) Halal Hub, as an on-line application through
How to apply?
Application for the Halal Confirmation Certificate for national and international markets should be submitted to the Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) Halal Hub, as an on-line application throughACS-GP
Application for the Halal Confirmation Certificate for the local market must be submitted directly to Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri (JAIN) / Majlis Agama Islam Negeri (MAIN) whichever is relevant.
Benefit of certification
Penetration to the largest market share in the food sector as Malaysia's halal logo is highly respected and well accepted by the Muslim countries
Malaysia's halal certification systems give the confidence to your business, customer, suppliers and other stakeholder that your product is halal and syariah compliant
The standards entails specific technical requirement on halal which will provide your productto be halal and syariah compliant
The systems also look into the needs of your human resource which will also increase staff morale and commitment
Complying to standards provide you with the accolades for competitive edge
All of the above will increase profitability